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ICAH to LDPE terms

The List of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry

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Get some more about the list of abbreviations used in pharmaceutical industry in chapter Six. Following are some of the ueful terms which are used in pharma industry.

GCLP to HVAC terms

The List of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry

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In the fifth chapter of the list of abbreviations used in pharmaceutical industry know some more meaning of useful terms. They are given below so find out one by one.

EMEA to GC terms

The List of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry

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The fourth chapter of the list of abbreviations used in pharmaceutical industry also contains some of the useful terms so check out one by one which are given as follows.

CFR to EIR terms

The List of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry

Check out useful information on related terms.

The third chapter of the List of abbreviations used in pharmaceutical Industry is as follows so let us know some of the terms used in pharma.

BET to CEP terms

The list of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry

Check out useful information on related terms.

In the Second Chapter on List of abbreviations used in pharmaceutical Industry find out more informations of the useful terms. Some of them are given below so check it out one by one.

AADA to BCS terms

The list of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry

Check out more information on related terms.

Welcome to the first chapter on the List of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry. All the terms used in pharma are given below so check it out one by one.


The List of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry

Check out more information of related terms

We wanted to give you thehe most extensive and detailed list of useful abbreviations in pharmaceutical industry that exists today

If you’ve only read about Pharmaceutical Industry, if you want to learn more about some of the important information of pharma industry, then this List of Abbreviations Used in Pharmaceutical Industry is for you.

How Recycling Saves Energy?

When we manufacture new products from virgin materials, more energy is consumed. Other natural resources such as fossil fuels (Oil , Petroleum, Natural gas, Coal) are also used during manufacturing of products. But when we make products out of recycled materials we can reduce the use of energy sources. The steps in the process of manufacturing of recycled product is reduced which helps to save energy. Find out more about advantages and disadvantages of recycling.

Plastic Recycling

Plastic Recycling: It is very important to recycle plastic to save consumption of energy and natural resources. Different types of plastic products or plastic materials such as plastic bags, plastic bottles are used daily which affects environment. There are various beneftis of recycling plastic along with some drawbacks of recycled plastic. You might also like Advantages and disadvantages of recycling.


Incineration is one of the waste management technique  and disposal method to treat waste materials. Combustion of waste in the presence of oxygen is carried out by thermal treatment process. The waste is then converted into water vapour, carbon dioxide and ash, with he help of incineration treatment the quantity of waste products or garbage can be reduced significantly.

There are many benefits, positives and pros of this incineration process but some drawbacks, cons, negative impacts and downside are equally present. Related Post on Advantages and Disadvantages of Recycling

Metals Recycling

Recycling of metals such as copper, aluminium etc., is required to protect earth and environment. It also saves energy and natural resources. Along with benefits there are some drawbacks of recycling metals. 

Benefits of Recycling

Recycling is a process of waste management in which waste materials of plastic, paper, metal, aluminium, glass etc., are collected and are used to make new products. Recycling helps to protect the environment and saves energy and resources. 



Boiler is a closed vessel in which water or other types of fluids is heated as a result vapour or steam is generated which helps to run turbines or engines and also heat produced is used for various other purposes. The sources of heat for the boiles is combustion of different fuels such as coal, natural gas, wood or other types of fuels.

Fly ash


Fly Ash are the fine particles or the residues which are generated during combustion of solid fuels such as coal. It is also known as "pulverised fuel ash". Along with the flue gases these fine particles  are driven out of the boiler. The components of fly ash vary and depends on the coal being burned.

Global warming


Global warming can be defined as an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere that causes changes in the climate which may result from the greenhouse effect. Burning of coal is one fo the cause that generates carbon dioxide and other gases which may  increase temperature. Several other factors are also responsible for global warming.



Combustion is a process in which heat and light is produced, by the rapid chemical reaction between oxygen and other substances or fuels such as wood, oil, coal, petroleum etc., 

Steam locomotive


Steam locomotive is moved by using the power of steam which is generated in its own boiler by the combustion of fuels such as coal, oil or petroleum. Steam locomotives are also used to move trains along railway tracks for railway transport.

Steam engine


Steam engine is a heat engine in which a hot steam is used that converts the heat energy into mechanical energy. Sliding piston is present in the cylinder which moves by the expansion action of the steam which is generated in a boiler. Coal, wood or other combustible material are used as a source to produce steam in a boiler.



Asphalt is brownish to black ,thick sticky and highly viscous liquid or semi solid compound. Asphalt is obtained during refining of coal or petroleum and consist of mixture of hydrocarbon. It is used in preparations of roads. Asphalt is composed of bitumen which is present in crude petroleum.



Coal is considered to be a fossil fuel which is dark black to brownish in color, rock formed from plants that have been fossilized through the process of oxidation. Coal contains amorphous carbon along with different organic as well some inorganic compounds and liberates carbon dioxide and other harmful gases when burned. Coal is widely used to generate electricity as well as heat.


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