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Teacher Interview Questions


Middle School


Questions No 1: Please review your background and please tell us more about  how your educational experiences have prepared you for the teaching profession.
Part 1. Points on Appropriate educational background: different course work, subject area classes, highly qualified.
Part 2. Points on Plans for continuing education.
Part 3. Points on Master's Degree.
Part 4. Points on Extensive study with age level/subject matter.
Part 5. Points on Professional activities.

Question No. 2 Why did you want to be a teacher in our school and what do you wish to accomplish?
Part 1 Points on Purpose for being a teacher
Part 2 Points on Desire to help students learn, commitment to each student.
Part 3 Points on Positive statements/feelings about teaching profession.
Part 4 Points on Seeing students grow and develop.
Part 5 Points on Satisfaction in helping others.
Part 6 Points on Contribute to society.
Part 7 Points on Willingness to grow and be the best.

Question No. 3 What experiences have you had that have prepared you to teach middle school students?
Part 1. Points on Student teaching.
Part 2. Points on Substitute teaching/long-term assignments.
Part 3. Points on Prior contractual experiences.
Part 4. Points on Volunteer work outside of school day.
Part 5. Points on Extra-curricular experiences.
Part 6. Points on Civic experiences.
Part 7. Points on Positive experiences with students.

Question No. 4 What instructional skills should an effective teacher demonstrate and what methods can be used to implement these skills?
Part 1. Points on Knowledge and use of instructional techniques
Part 2. Points on References to specific instructional models
Part 3. Points on Plans and implements effective lesson plans
Part 4. Points on Understands goals and objectives
Part 5. Points on Implements new skills and ideas
Part 6. Points on Uses a variety of learning styles and methods in presenting lessons


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