The List of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry
Check out more information of related terms
In the fifth chapter of the list of abbreviations used in pharmaceutical industry know some more meaning of useful terms. They are given below so find out one by one.
- GCLP: Good clinical laboratory practice
- GCP: Good clinical practice
- GDP: Good distribution practice
- GEP: Good engineering practice
- GGP: good guidance practice
- GIT: Gastrointestinal Tract
- GLP: Good laboratory practice
- GMO: Genetically modified organism
- GMP: Good manufacturing practice
- GPT: Growth Promotion Test
- GRAS/E: Generally recognized as safe and effective
- GRP: Good review practice
- HACCP: Hazard analysis critical control point
- HDPE: High Density Polyethylene
- HEPA: High efficiency particulate air (filter)
- HPLC: High performance liquid chromatography
- HSA: Health Sciences Authority, Singapore
- HVAC: Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning