The List of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry
Check out more information of related terms
The fourth chapter of the list of abbreviations used in pharmaceutical industry also contains some of the useful terms so check out one by one which are given as follows.
- EMEA: European Medicines Agency (formerly European Medicines Evaluation Agency)
- EP: European Pharmacopoeia
- EPS: Expanded polystyrene
- ETP: Effluent Treatment Plant
- EU: Endotoxin unit
- EU: European Union
- FAT: Factory Acceptance Testing
- FBD: Fluid-bed dryer
- FDA: Food and Drug Administration,United States
- FDC: Fixed Dose Combination
- FEFO: First expiry first out
- FG: Finished Goods
- FIFO: First in first out
- FMEA: Failure modes and effect analysis
- FOI: Freedom of information
- GAMP: Good automated manufacturing practice
- GC: Gas Chromatography