The List of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry
Check out more information of related terms
Get some more about the list of abbreviations used in pharmaceutical industry in chapter Six. Following are some of the ueful terms which are used in pharma industry.
- ICAH: International Conference on Harmonisation
- IH: In house
- IM: Intramuscular
- IND: Investigational new drug
- INDA: Investigational new drug application
- IP: Indian Pharmacopeia
- IPA: Isopropyl Alcohol
- IPS: In process control
- IQ: Installation qualification
- IR: Immediate release
- ISO: International Organization for Standardization
- ISPE: International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering
- IV: Intravenous
- JP: Japanese Pharmacopoeia
- KOS: Knowledge organization system
- LAF: Laminar air flow
- LAL: Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate
- LD: Lethal dose
- LD50: Lethal dose where 50% of the animal population die
- LDPE: Low Density Polyethylene