The List of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry
Check out more information of related terms
We wanted to give you thehe most extensive and detailed list of useful abbreviations in pharmaceutical industry that exists today
If you’ve only read about Pharmaceutical Industry, if you want to learn more about some of the important information of pharma industry, then this List of Abbreviations Used in Pharmaceutical Industry is for you.
1. AADA to BCS terms
In this chapter you will get the list of terms that starts with AADA – (Abbreviated antibiotic drug application) and ends with BCS – (Biopharmaceutical Classification system)
You will get list of 1st 18 useful terms in this chapter one.
2. BET to CEP terms
Now in the chapter two the terms starts from BET – (Bacterial Endotoxin Test) and ends with CEP – (Certification of suitability of European Pharmacopoeia monographs)
Again you will get here some of the useful terms which are used in pharma industry
3. CFR to EIR terms
In chapter the first term starts with CFR – (Code of Federal Regulations) and ends with EIR – (Establishment Inspection Report).
There are 19 terms in this chapter.
4 EMEA to GC terms
The first term in this chapter is EMEA – (European Medicines Agency) – and the last term is GC – (Gas Chromatography)
There are 17 abbreviations related to pharmaceutical industry are given in this chapter.
5 GCLP to HVAC terms
You will get information about GCLP – (Good clinical laboratory practice) and other related terms such as HVAC – (Heating Ventilation and Air conditioning)
Complete list of 18 useful abbreviations are given in this chapter.
6 ICAH to LDPE terms
Given list starts with ICAH and ends with LDPE
Sixth chapter of the abbreviations list
The useful terms starts in this chapter starts with LIMS and ends with NCE
Seventh chapter on entire guide.
8 NDA to PLC terms
The list form NDA – (New Drug Applications) to PLC – (Programmable Logic Control)
Terms used in this chapter are also used in pharmaceutical industry.
9 PQ to SMF terms
The abbreviations starts with PQ – (Performance Qualification) and ends with SMF – (Site Master File)
Some of the important abbreviations are listed here.
10 SOP to WL terms
List of terms form SOP – (Standard Operation Procedure ) to WL – (Warning Letter)
Last chapter of the abbreviations list.