The List of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry
Check out more information of related terms
Again in the seventh chapter of the list of abbreviations used in pharmaceutical industry you will get some of the important terms used daily in pharma industry.
- LIMS: Laboratory Information Management System
- LIR: Laboratory Investigation Report
- LOD: Loss on drying
- LOD: Limit of detection
- LOQ: Limit of quantification
- LR: Laboratory Reagent
- LVPs: Large Volume Parenterals
- MA: Marketing Authorisation
- MAA: Marketing Authorisation Application
- MAC: Maximum Allowable Carryover
- MCC: Medicines control council (South Africa)
- MDD: Maximum daily dose
- MFR: Master Formula Record
- MEDSAFE: Medicines and medicinal devices safety authority (New zealand)
- MHRA: Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (UK)
- MOA: Method Of Analysis
- MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheets
- NCE: New chemical entity