Why is watermelon good for you? What are the health benefits in adding watermelon in your regular diet? What are the essential vitamins and minerals you can find in this fruit? These are the questions we aim to answer in this short article. But before answering, let us have an overview of existing trends that provide the background to questions like these.
With the advent of the Internet, people these days are more informed than in the previous generation about health benefits of the food they take. Add to it the fact that the contemporary generation is now more health conscious and trying all their best either to slow down aging or to gracefully age. Business owners are aware of such a trend. This is the reason why more and more businesses these days are turning to wellness industry and more specifically to anti-aging industry. Dietary supplements and skin care products are widespread in our time. Free radicals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and other similar words are formerly terms known only to health experts, but now becoming more familiar among average people.
Another trend connected to this wellness consciousness is that people are inclined to favor foods, which are natural and organic. This article answering the question why is watermelon good for you is actually part of this wider movement of informing people about health benefits natural food can provide them. We hope that by enumerating and explaining the essential vitamins and minerals present in watermelon, you will learn to appreciate the health benefits watermelon can give you. We further anticipate that it will help you realize that including watermelon in your regular diet is a wise choice you can make as part of your investment in your physical health.
It is generally acknowledged among health experts that watermelon is packed with essential vitamins and minerals, which are great antioxidant sources that will certainly strengthen your immune system. In answering the question is watermelon good for you, we divide our response into four parts. It includes the essential vitamins and minerals, the synergistic benefits acquired from the combination of nutrients, and other health benefits.
Included in the list of vitamins and minerals you can find in watermelon are Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Lycopene, and Potassium. Vitamin A is obtained through the concentration of beta-carotene. Examples of B Vitamins are B1 and B6, which are an important source for energy production. Including watermelon as part of your regular diet would help you combat fatigue and boost your energy level. Vitamin C is known for its anti-aging property. Lycopene is known for its anti-cancer capability due to its antioxidant function. Lycopene helps protect cells from oxygen damage. Studies show that low level of lycopene supply in the internal system of the body makes it risky for a person to suffer cancer. Included in this list of possible cancers you will be protected from are breast cancer, colon cancer, colorectal cancer, endometrial cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer. Moreover, lycopene is claimed to have properties to protect human genes and to provide nutrients good for the heart. Finally, the presence of potassium in watermelon is good in bringing down high blood pressure.
Examples of synergistic benefits are evident in the combination of Vitamin C and beta-carotene, and taking watermelon with green tea. Vitamin C and beta carotene working together are excellent at getting rid of destructive molecules. Studies demonstrate that high intakes of both Vitamin C and beta-carotene reduce the risk to suffer asthma, colon cancer, and heart disease. They also lessen some of the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, habitual consumption of both watermelon and green tea greatly decreases a man’s threat to experience prostate cancer.
Simply reading the previous two paragraphs offer a sufficient answer why is watermelon good for you. However, let us mention other health benefits in including watermelon in your habitual diet. Enjoying a healthy sex life and great vision are also included among health benefits that you can obtain through the nutrients present in watermelon. High in citrulline, an amino acid necessary to produce arginine, another amino acid, prevents erectile dysfunction and removes ammonia from the body. This results to our blood vessels making nitric oxide, which relaxes our blood vessels. This compound has been attributed to avoid stroke and simply remedy stress, anxiety, and panic attacks. Other health benefits in eating watermelon on a daily basis include reduction of kidney stones and controlling diabetic symptoms.