Answer on How to prevent Car theft at home are discussed below. Let us check out steps to prevent car theft at home.
- Use GPS tracking device for tracking your car. Install it and monitor a car from your computer or smart phone , Once the car starts it will start showing the exact location so it becomes easy to locate thief.
- Always keep track of your keys and secure your vehicle or a car by parking it intelligently.
- Hide your belonging in your car. Bags, coats or any other valuable belonging attracts thief, so its better to hide it.
- Use security equipment into your car. Security system comes with an alarm so if someone tries to steal it , it will start ringing.
- Lock all your doors and always go for paid parking. It will reduce the chances of being stolen.
- Do not keep spare keys in a car, it becomes easy for thief to steal a car by breaking windows of a car.
- Always park in a safe area or garage it if possible.