Some Disadvantages & Advantages of an TLC.
In Thin layer Chromatography also called (TLC) is widely used method for the separation and detection of an molecule from a given mixture of compounds.
This method is used for the separation of non volatile compounds.
This is generally performed on the thin sheet of aluminum or thin sheet of glass or plastic.
This sheet are coated with different media, commonly used are silica gel, cellulose etc.
The sample is applied on this plate and it is called stationary phase.
Now the plate is dipped into the solvent or a mixture of solvents also called as mobile phase.Now the solvent will rise and the different components present in the sample will separate out .
- Very less equipment are used. It is very simple method. It is also sensitive method.
- The components are separated in very little time as the components will elute out very quickly.
- The components present in the sample can be separated and recovered out easily by scratching the powdery coating on the plate and hence quantitative separation of spots or zone are possible.
- It is cheaper chromatographic methods compared to other
- Simple process with short development time
- TLC helps in isolation of most of the compounds
- TLC helps in visualization of separated compound spots easily
- The purity standards of the given sample in TLC can be assessed easily
- Any quantity of mixture can be separated
- Any time of mixture can be separated
- Automation is possible
- Greater speed of separation
- Wide choice of materials
- Multiple analysis possible
- Easy to use and cheap
- Small volumes
- No sample preparation required
- In this method the plate length is limited and hence separation takes place only up to certain length.
- The separation takes place in an open system or in open condition and hence there are chances that sample may be affected by the humidity and temperature.
- Time consuming
- More amount of mobile phase are required
- Automation makes the process more expensive and complicated
- TLC plates do not have long stationary phases
- Limited quality of separation
- Evaporation of the mobile phase
- Limited reproducibility