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Growing your Own Watermelon Plants

Growing your own watermelon plants will not only give you a nice, healthy, and enjoyable treat for the whole family during the long, hot summer, but a fun activity as well.  There is nothing quite like seeing that large green watermelon gourd growing in your garden.

Hot, Hot, Hot

The watermelon plant is a heat loving plant.  It grows best in climates similar to those in the American South.  So, you want to wait until the cooler days of spring are well behind you before you start growing your watermelon.  If you live in a climate that never really reaches that fevered heat like you get in the South, you will want to buy a faster growing watermelon.

If you live in an area where temperatures are unpredictable or where clouds and fog often block out the sun, this may not be the best spot to try to plant watermelon.

Watermelon Plants Love the Sun : Watermelon plants take best to a nice sunny spot.  Don’t try to plant your watermelon next to a tree that shades it half the day.  Watermelon plants do best when you plant them in an open field and allow them to roast in the summer sun.  They are like sunbathers that want an even tan.

Avoid Winds : Although watermelon plants love open sun they aren’t so keen on winds.  Open air is helpful for watermelons, but if you can find a nice sloping area of your garden, this will help shield your watermelon from strong breezes.

Moist Soil : Your watermelon plant will do best in a nice, wet, nutrient rich soil.  You don’t want your watermelon plant to sit in standing water, but you do want to keep the soil nice and moist in the early days.  Savvy planters create watermelon mounds and plant their watermelon seeds right into these.  This is one of the most effective methods of getting both the nutrients to the watermelon seeds and of draining excess moisture.

Temperature : You should wait until your days are getting to be above 70 degrees on a regular basis, if you want to grow a successful watermelon plant.  Watermelons love the hot temperatures and they will not grow well during irregular weather.  In some climates, this can be a tricky business.  You want to find that sweet spot where you allow your watermelon enough time to grow but where you are not exposing your watermelon plant to lingering winter weather that can damage it.

If you have any friends who have tried to grow similar plants in the past, you might ask them how they went about timing their sowings.

A Local Nursery : A trip to the local nursery is not only a good idea when it comes to getting supplies but is also a good place to get some tips on what to do to aid growth in your local climate.  People who work in nurseries tend to love plants and are often a great hub of knowledge since local growers are always explaining their gardening problems to them.  So next time you stop by for supplies, pick their brains a bit.

Spacing : Space your plants about a yard apart to give them the elbowroom they need to grow.  Plants that grow too close together will compete for soil nutrients.

Row Covers : As your plants begin to grow, row covers will help hold heat in so that they can really grow in the toasty heat they love.  Be careful not to put too much weight on the plants.

Flowering : When your watermelon plants flower, you should remove the row covers so insects will pollinate them.

Once you see the actualfruit, you can usually pick the watermelon after about a month.  Yum! There are several watermelon health benefits so start eating watermelon to remain healthy.

Explore more Information

Tips for Growing Watermelon

Growing watermelon can be a challenging endeavor. It’s not that there is anything out of the ordinary about planting watermelon, but it takes approximately ninety days to get to harvest time. Because of the length of time needed to grow a watermelon, there is ample opportunity for diseases and pests to find their way into the watermelon patch. It also means that watermelon can be exposed to many different weather conditions. Watermelon is beneficial to keep body healhty, there are several health benefits taken into consideration.

Top Tips on How to Identify a Ripe Watermelon

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All About the Square Watermelon

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Still, most of the people in the world have never seen or eaten a square watermelon. In Japan, they are only purchased by the wealthy. 

How to Choose Watermelon Varieties

While most of us can remember enjoying watermelons in the summertime as far back as childhood, it may be surprising to find out that today there are around two hundred different watermelon varieties grown. The traditional oblong green watermelon with pink flesh and black seeds is no longer the only choice. Today there are seedless varieties as well as the traditional watermelons with seeds.

Some of the Benefits Of Watermelon

Nearly every article you're apt to come across extolling the healthy benefits of watermelon is going to start out by visualizing the enjoyment of eating a watermelon on a hot summer's day. It's hard not to do this. The watermelon is a staple of the family summer time picnic. Few things taste better than a cool slice of watermelon, and one of the joys of the summer picnic would be a good old-fashioned seed spitting contest. We also remember the feel of watermelon juice on the sides of our face as we got deeper into the slice.

Watermelon Nutrition and Its Benefits

While dieticians have long known the value of watermelon nutrition, the public is just now finding out how healthy a watermelon really is. For instance, a cup of watermelon has vitamin A for healthy eyes, vitamin C to help strengthen your immune system, vitamin B6 which helps the brain to make chemicals for psychological health, and potassium, which every cell in the body needs for water balance.

The Truth about the Watermelon Diet

The watermelon diet is one of many which are considered fad diets. They become extremely popular for a time because people maintain that they lost weight, and everyone wants to lose weight. But, let’s face it, none of us want to eat only watermelon for the rest of our lives and if you stick to this diet for a long period of time, you will lose your health rather than gain it.

Is Watermelon Good For You?

Why is watermelon good for you? What are the health benefits in adding watermelon in your regular diet? What are the essential vitamins and minerals you can find in this fruit? These are the questions we aim to answer in this short article. But before answering, let us have an overview of existing trends that provide the background to questions like these.

Watermelon Nutrition

Are you interested in watermelon nutrition facts? There is a lot of hearsay that surrounds watermelon, such as “watermelon can help you lose weight” or “watermelon can help prevent cancer.” The truth is that watermelon nutrition does have the possibility to stave off certain illnesses although the research conducted on that front is not solid. It definitely does make a good food choice for a hot summer’s day.

Medicinal Uses of Amla Plants in Points

Check out Medicinal Uses of Amla plants in Points which are discussed below. So let us find out some points on Medicinal uses to know more about Amla Plants.

Medicinal Uses of Amla Plants are :

Amla Plants can be used to stimulate Appetite.

Amla plants can also be used for diarrhea, dysentry and hemorrhage.

Amla plants can be used as an antioxidants as it contains vitamin C and polyphenols

They are also good for heart , eyes and brain

Amla also improves immunity and gives physical strength