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What are the uses of LPG ?

Some of the uses of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) are as follows. So let us check it out some information on LPG to know more about LPG.

  1. LPG can be used as a fuel in motor vehicles.
  2. LPG can also be used as refrigerant.
  3. LPG is also used in agriculture purposes if various drying processes.
  4. In industry lpg is widely used for heating purposes.
  5. It is also used for domestic purposes for cooking food.

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What does LPG Stand for ?

Let us find out what is the full meaning of LPG and some more information on LPG to know more about it.

The Term LPG stands for Liquefied petroleum gas, LPG is used as a fuel  in different form such as in cooking, vehicles and in various types of heating appliances.

LPG is widely used in cars and other motor vehicles.

LPG is used as a domestic fuel, engine fuel and as refrigerant.

Full Form of LPG

LPG : Full form can be defined in different ways which are listed below, so check it out different full form of term LPG.

The full form of LPG is Liquefied Petroleum Gas which can be used as a fuel in vehicles, heating appliances and cooking equipment.

LPG is a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases and is used in cooking, Rural heating, Motor fuel and in Refrigeration.