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What is the full form of USP

There are different words which can be applied for the given term which are used in different fields.

Suppose if the term used in pharmacy then it is used for United state pharmacopeia

And if the used in marketing then it can be used as unique selling proposition.


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Full Form of USP in Computer

USPFull form in Computer , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term USP which is used in Computer.

The full form of USP in computer is Unique Selling PropositionThe term USP is also known as unique selling point.

USP is a characteristic of a business of any product or services used in advertising to differentiate amongst competitiors.

What is Niche Marketing?

The term "Niche" can be defined as a "A special area of demand for a services or a product", While marketing is dened as an opportunity to buy or sell products or services.

Niche marketing can be explained as buying or selling of a product or service in a special area of demand. 

In niche marketing small segments of large market are identified and campaign is designed to target audience by providing specific solutions to them.

Niche marketing need to be different, need to be specialize and be able to stand out from the crowd.


Full Form of PAN in Biology

PANFull form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term PAN which is used in Biology.

The full form of PAN in biology is PAN Genome or Supra Genome. The term PAN can be considered as a  full complement of genes in a clade and it is  typically applied to the different species in bacteria.

PAN can have large variation in gene content among closely related strains.


Full Form of QA. Someone asked me what is the full form of QA, So let us check it out full form of QA. Along with the other similar term which is used with the given term.


What is the full form of QA?

  • Answer:
  • Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance is the term generally used in pharmaceutical or chemical industry . Similarly Quality Control (QC) is the another term which is used in pharma industry.

Full Form of IUPAC in Chemistry

IUPAC : Full form in Chemistry , its meaning and information is discussed below, so let us heck it out some details on full form of the term IUPAC which is used in Chemistry.

The full form of IUPAC in chemistry is International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. IUPAC nomenclature of organic chemistry in chemical nomenclature is a systematic method of naming different organic chemical compounds which are recommended by the international union of pure and applied chemistry.


Full Form of QC. Someone asked me what is the full form of QC, So let us check it out full form of QC.


What is the full form of QC?

  • Answer:
  • Quality Control
Quality control is the term generally used in pharmaceutical or chemical industry . Similarly Quality Assurance (QA) is the another term which is used in pharma industry.

Full Form of SEO

SEO - (Search engine optimization).

Other full form in seo are also search world wide.

SEM is similar term known as search engine marketing

It is used for marketing of various products online.