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How to Calculate Percentage

Percentage %

How to calculate percentage: It is also called as "per hundred". The symbol is %. It is very easy if we know the basic formula. By using this equation we can find out any term. So let us discuss some of the examples to know it better.

  1. Suppose we have 25% , so the formula is 25/100 = 25%
  2. For 30% , the formula is 30/100=30%
  3. If we want to find the percentage of any given term, lets say 120 so, its 10% is 12*10/100=12, similarly its 20% is 120*20/100=24 and so on.....

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How to find 20 percent of a number ?

Let us see how to find 20 percent of a number. Some information or method showing how to calculate 20 percent of a number are follows:

In order to calculate 20 percent of number you need to follow two simple steps.

Step 1: Divide number by 10 for example if number is 100 then you have to divide 100/10 so answer is 10

Step 2: Multiply answer with 2, so in this case we have answer 10 so 10x2= 20

So 20 percent of 100 is 20

Example 2: What is 20 percent of 22

Answer 22/10= 2.2 now you have to multiply 2.2 with 2 so 2.2x2=4.4 

How to find 10 percent of a number ?

Let us see how to find 10 percent of a number. Some information or method explaining how to calculate percent of number are as follows.

In order to find 10 percent of any number you need to divide number by 10. For example 10 percent of 100 = 100/10 =10

Example 2 : 10 percent of 200 = 200/10 which means 20

Example 3: 10 pecent of 333 = 333/10  and the answer is 33.3

This is very simple , you just need to divide the number by 10 .

How to find 40 percent of a number ?

Calculate and Find 40 percent of a number :

  1. Select any two or three digit number.
  2. Now multiply the number by 4.
  3. Third step is to shift the decimal point one place to the left side.

Example 1 

  1. Let us select two digit number, it is 32.
  2. Now multiply number 32 by 4, so 32x4=128
  3. Now shift the decimal point one place to the left so 12.8
  4. Hence 40 % of 32 is 12.8

Examples of Acids and Bases

Examples of Acids and Bases are as follows , so let us check it out some information on Acids and Bases to know more about it.

Examples of Acids are:

  1. Hydrochloric Acid
  2. Nitric Acid
  3. Sulfuric Acid
  4. Oxalic Acid
  5. Hydrophosphoric Acid
  6. Nitrous Acid
  7. Chloric Acid
  8. Bromic Acid
  9. Fluoric Acid
  10. Chromic Acid etc...........

Examples of Bases are:

Examples of Recycling materials

Some Examples of recycling materials are as follows. So let us check it out some points of recycling to know more about recycling materials.

Material which can be recycled are : Plastic drink bottels, chipboard, newspaper, corrugated cardboard, glass bottels, beverage cans, magazine, plastic, aluminium, paper, glass, trash etc., Find out more on advantages and disadvantages of Recycling.

Example 1: We can reuse plastic bags when we go to supermarket to buy household products.

Example 2: Paper can be recycled so it can be processed and used again and again.

What is Monopsony and its examples ?

Definition of Monopsony

Information on definition of monopsony and its examples is given below. Monopsony is a market condition in which a single buyer substantially controls the market as a major purchaser of services or goods offered by many sellers in the market. Monopsony is one of the important concept in economics but it has both advantages and disadvantages in the over all market structures. Monopsony also has imperfect market condition.