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Full Form of PHP in Computer

PHP : Full Form in Computer, its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term PHP which is used in Computer.

The full form of PHP in computer is Personal Home Page. The term PHP is also knows as Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a general purpose programming language which is used for web development and can be embedded into HTML.

PHP is a server scripting language and can be considered as a powerful tool for making various web pages interactive and dynamic.

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Full Form of PAN in Computer

PAN : Full form in Computer , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term PAN which is used in Computer.

The full form of PAN in computer is Personal Area Network. It provides data transmission among different types of devices such as mobile phones, smart phones, computers, laptops, tablets and other personal digtal assistants.

PAN is a computer network for interconnecting these devices centered on an individual person's workplace. Some of the other useful terms are listed below.


Full Form of SATA in Computer

SATAFull form in Computer , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term SATA which is used in Computer.

The full form of SATA in computer is Serial Advanced Technology AttachmentThe term SATA is a computer bus interface that connects host bus adaptors to mass storage devices..

SATA has multiple advantages over ATA, it has replaced parallel ATA in consumer laptop and desktop computers.

Full Form of USP in Computer

USPFull form in Computer , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term USP which is used in Computer.

The full form of USP in computer is Unique Selling PropositionThe term USP is also known as unique selling point.

USP is a characteristic of a business of any product or services used in advertising to differentiate amongst competitiors.

Full Form of HTML

HyperText Markup Language (HTML), is one of the standard markup language used to create webpages to display information on web browser.

It also uses CSS and Javascript to create webpages.

Other full form and meaning related to HTML are also available so check it out other articles.

Similar terms such as XML, DHTML, CSS etc., are also available.

Full Form of HREF in CSS

HREF : Full Form in CSS, its information and meaning is discussed below, so let us check it out some details on full form of the term HREF which is used in CSS.

The full form of HREF in CSS is Hypertext Reference. It is the source of the file used by the tag.

HREF is used to identify sections in the document, it is an attribute of the anchor tag. It is the HTML code used to create a link to another page.

Computer Insurance

Computer Insurance is the insurance of computer system, laptop, Data and hardware. This types of insurance protects computer from accidental damage, theft, loss, liquid damage, cracked screens and device breakdown.

Other types of devices such as Smart Mobile Phones, laptops, Gaming desktop can also be insured.

Computer insurance policy is useful for business where more computers and other related hardwares are used which can be insured under computer insurance.

Full Form of TDL in Tally

TDLFull form in Tally , its meaning and information is discussed below, so let us heck it out some details on full form of the term TDL which is used in Tally.

The full form of TDL in tally is Tally Definition Language.It is used in tally ERP 9. The entire user interface of tally ERP 9 is built using TDL

TDL is an action driven language and it is based on definitions. 

In TDL particular section or a code gets executed whenever the user performs an actions.

Full Form of ENIAC and UNIVAC

Full Form of ENIAC and UNIVAC is as follows , So let us check out information on ENIAC and UNIVAC to know more about it.

ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer ( It was the first general purpose electronic computer)

UNIVAC - Universal automatic computer (It was the first commercial computer)

Full Form of PAN in Biology

PANFull form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term PAN which is used in Biology.

The full form of PAN in biology is PAN Genome or Supra Genome. The term PAN can be considered as a  full complement of genes in a clade and it is  typically applied to the different species in bacteria.

PAN can have large variation in gene content among closely related strains.

POS Full Form in Banking

POS : Full Form in Banking , its information and meaning is given below. So let us find out some details on full form of POS used in banking.

The full form of POS in banking is Point of Sale. The term POS is the place where the customer executes payments for the services as well as goods and where the taxes may become payable.

POS can be considered as a combination of devices as well as software that merchants uses often to record and complete sales transaction.