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BSC Nursing Full Form

Let us check out BSC nursing full form discussed below, So find out some information on bsc nursing and its full form to know more about it.

The full form of  BSC Nursing is Bachelor of Science in nursing.It is also known as BSN or BScN.

Bsc nursing is an academic degree in the science and principles of nursing with a major in nursing granted by an institute or an accredited tertiary education provider

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Full Form of DSN,MBBS

Doctor of Science in Nursing (DSN) is an academic research degree offered by many universities in various countries.(Other full form and meaning of DSN are also available)  So check it out other articles related to the given term.

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of surgery(Degree awarded by medical  school).

Full Form of FAX

FAX : Full form can be defined in different ways which are listed below, so check it out different full form of term FAX.

  1. "Far Away Xerox" in Computer Technology
  2. "Facsimile" in Telecommunication
  3. "Facsimile Automatic Xerox" in Electronics
  4. "Facsimile" in Space Science

FAX is a copy of image as well as text which is printed on a paper, FAX is sent through a telephone line from one party to another. Now this Facsimile service is replaced by e-mail and other online text messages services.

Full Form of MD,MBBS

Doctor of Medicine (MD) is one of the degree awarded for physician and doctor, granted by medical school.(Other full form of MD is Managing Director , It is the highest ranking corporate officer in any company or business organization).

MBBS : Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of surgery ( Degree awarded by medical school) 

POS Full Form in Banking

POS : Full Form in Banking , its information and meaning is given below. So let us find out some details on full form of POS used in banking.

The full form of POS in banking is Point of Sale. The term POS is the place where the customer executes payments for the services as well as goods and where the taxes may become payable.

POS can be considered as a combination of devices as well as software that merchants uses often to record and complete sales transaction.

Full Form of RNA in Biology

RNA : Full form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term RNA which is used in Biology.

The full form of RNA in biology is Ribonucleic acid. The term RNA is a polymeric molecule which is required in various biological roles in decoding, coding, expression and regulation of genes. 

RNA and DNA are nucleic acid, and, along with carbohydrates, lipids and proteins , they constitute four major macromolecules for all forms of energy.


Full Form of QC. Someone asked me what is the full form of QC, So let us check it out full form of QC.


What is the full form of QC?

  • Answer:
  • Quality Control
Quality control is the term generally used in pharmaceutical or chemical industry . Similarly Quality Assurance (QA) is the another term which is used in pharma industry.

Full Form of BHMS,MBBS

What is the Full Form of BHMS

BHMS : Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine And Surgery

BHMS stand for Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and  Surgery. It is one of the degree offered in the field of Homeopathy.(Other full form and meaning  of BHMS are also available) So check it out other articles related to the given term.

MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of surgery (Degree awarded by medical  school).


Full Form of QA. Someone asked me what is the full form of QA, So let us check it out full form of QA. Along with the other similar term which is used with the given term.


What is the full form of QA?

  • Answer:
  • Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance is the term generally used in pharmaceutical or chemical industry . Similarly Quality Control (QC) is the another term which is used in pharma industry.

Full Form of PAN in Biology

PANFull form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term PAN which is used in Biology.

The full form of PAN in biology is PAN Genome or Supra Genome. The term PAN can be considered as a  full complement of genes in a clade and it is  typically applied to the different species in bacteria.

PAN can have large variation in gene content among closely related strains.

Full Form of BDS,MBBS

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) is one of the degree offered by dental schools in many countries.(Other full form and meaning of BDS are also available) So check it out other articles related to the given term.

MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of surgery (Degree awarded by medical school).

Full Form of PGA in Biology

PGAFull form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term PGA which is used in Biology.

The full form of PGA in biology is Phosphoglyceric acid or 3-phosphoglycerate . The term PGA  is and intermediate in the calvin cycle of photosynthesis and also in the glycolysis process.

The anion is often termed as PGA when refering to the calvin cycle.

Other full form related to PGA are also available so check it out similar articles. 

Full Form of ATP in Biology

ATP : Full form in Biology , The  definition and meaning of ATP iss given below, so check it out some points on full form of the term ATP which is used in Biology.

The full form of ATP in biology is Adenosine Tripohosphate (ATP). It is a comples organic chemical which is found in almost all form of life. It is also known as "Molecular unit of currency". ATP is also a precursor to RNA and DNA.

ATP consists of an adenine and it converts to either monophosphates or di phosphates.

Full Form of TDL in Tally

TDLFull form in Tally , its meaning and information is discussed below, so let us heck it out some details on full form of the term TDL which is used in Tally.

The full form of TDL in tally is Tally Definition Language.It is used in tally ERP 9. The entire user interface of tally ERP 9 is built using TDL

TDL is an action driven language and it is based on definitions. 

In TDL particular section or a code gets executed whenever the user performs an actions.

Full Form of AMP in Biology

AMP : Full form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term AMP which is used in Biology.

The full form of AMP in biology is Adenosine Monophosphate . The terms AMP is a type of nucleotide comprised of a nucleoside.