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What does LPG Stand for ?

Let us find out what is the full meaning of LPG and some more information on LPG to know more about it.

The Term LPG stands for Liquefied petroleum gas, LPG is used as a fuel  in different form such as in cooking, vehicles and in various types of heating appliances.

LPG is widely used in cars and other motor vehicles.

LPG is used as a domestic fuel, engine fuel and as refrigerant.

For your information

For your information (FYI) is a form of term which is generally used on internet

It is also used while sending  emails, during chatting, and  instant message on phone.

This term is used when one person wants to give extra information to other person.

Full Form of HPLC Chromatography

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is an analytical method used to separate substance from a given mixture. (Other full form of HPLC and related terms are also available) So check it out similar articles related to the given term.

Meaning and full form of other types of chromatography in chemistry are also available.

About Azadirachta Indica Brief Information of Neem

Azadirachta Indica is also known as Neem tree, Margosa tree , Nimtree, Indiac Lilac or Neem. Brief information of Neem (Azadirachta Indica ) is discussed here. It is found in various regions of India, Srilanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh. It is widely used for medicinal purpose. Also used as an insecticide as well as for pesticide. Azadirachta Indica is an evergreen tree and the bark of the tree is rough, think and brown in colour. The taste of the neem leaves or neem oil is bitter..

Family: Meliaceae

Genus: Azadirachta 

Full Form of BHMS,MBBS

What is the Full Form of BHMS

BHMS : Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine And Surgery

BHMS stand for Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and  Surgery. It is one of the degree offered in the field of Homeopathy.(Other full form and meaning  of BHMS are also available) So check it out other articles related to the given term.

MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of surgery (Degree awarded by medical  school).

Full Form of LCD,GPRS

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is widely used in electronic devices such as computers, laptops, TV etc. (Other full form of LCD and meaning are also available) So check it out other articles related to the given term.

GPRS : General Packet Radio Service (Packet oriented mobile data service for mobile communication).

POS Full Form in Banking

POS : Full Form in Banking , its information and meaning is given below. So let us find out some details on full form of POS used in banking.

The full form of POS in banking is Point of Sale. The term POS is the place where the customer executes payments for the services as well as goods and where the taxes may become payable.

POS can be considered as a combination of devices as well as software that merchants uses often to record and complete sales transaction.

Full Form of SPM in Biology

SPM : Full form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term SPM which is used in Biology.

The full form of SPM in biology is Suspended Particulate Matter. The term SPM  can be used with respect to pollution. Generally air pollution consists of pollutants, odours and suspended particulate matter (Dust , Fumes, smoke, mist etc.,)

Full Form of PAN in Biology

PANFull form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term PAN which is used in Biology.

The full form of PAN in biology is PAN Genome or Supra Genome. The term PAN can be considered as a  full complement of genes in a clade and it is  typically applied to the different species in bacteria.

PAN can have large variation in gene content among closely related strains.

Full Form of TLC Chromatography

Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) is an analytical method used to separate substance from a given mixture. (Other full form of TLC and related terms are also available) So check it out similar articles related to the given term.

Meaning and full form of other types of chromatography in chemistry are also available.

Full Form of NPC Chromatography

Normal Phase Chromatography (NPC) is an analytical method used to separate substance from a given mixture. (Other full form of NPC and related terms are also available) So check it out similar articles related to the given term.

Meaning and full form of other types of chromatography in chemistry are also available.

Full Form of GC Chromatography

Gas Chromatography (GC) is an analytical method used to separate substance from a given mixture. (Other full form of GC and related terms are also available) So check it out similar articles related to the given term.

Meaning and full form of other types of chromatography in chemistry are also available.

Full Form of RNA in Biology

RNA : Full form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term RNA which is used in Biology.

The full form of RNA in biology is Ribonucleic acid. The term RNA is a polymeric molecule which is required in various biological roles in decoding, coding, expression and regulation of genes. 

RNA and DNA are nucleic acid, and, along with carbohydrates, lipids and proteins , they constitute four major macromolecules for all forms of energy.