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Full Form of SGOT and SGPT

Full Form of SGOT and SGPT are as follows , so let us check it out some information on SGOT and SGPT to know more about it.

SGOT stands for Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase

SGPT stands for Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase

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Full Form of SAP

SAP : Full Form is given below So Let us find out the full form of term SAP and other useful details to know more about SAP.

1. SAP stands For "Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing".

SAP is related to ERP Where ERP stands for "Enterprise Resource Planning". 

Full Form of RTGS

RTGS Full Form - RTGS allows companies, individual or different firms to transfer amount from one account to another on the internet.

It is very fast method of transferring money from one account to another.

RTGS stands for Real Time Gross Settlement.


BMW Full Form/acronym - BMW is automobile, engine & motorcycles manufacturing company in germany.

Founded in 1916.

BMW stands for Bavarian motor works and also called as Bayerische motoren Werke. 


Full Form of QC. Someone asked me what is the full form of QC, So let us check it out full form of QC.


What is the full form of QC?

  • Answer:
  • Quality Control
Quality control is the term generally used in pharmaceutical or chemical industry . Similarly Quality Assurance (QA) is the another term which is used in pharma industry.