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Definition of Social Media

Definition of Social Media is as follows. So let us check it out meaning of social media to know more about social media as well as Social Networking.

Definition of social Media is as follows:

  1. Social Media can be defined in number of ways. 
  2. Social Media is the digital technology and collection of various communication channels which are used by large group of people to develop contacts and to share information between them.
  3. Social media is a form of electronic communication using social networking and microblogging websites to share ideas and other useful data or information.
  4. Social media is used to develop customer relationship and to promote business.
  5. Using internet and social networking sites , it is used to share text, audio, video, data files and other information.

Also visit related article to get more details Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media

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What Does HMU Mean ?

Let us check it out what does HMU mean ?

HMU stands for "hit me up" in texting and used as an internet slang.This type of abbreviation is generally used in social media apps.

HMU is a form of text language used during chatting. It is generally used in apps such as Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Vine, Tumblr, Reddit and other social media apps.

Kinds of multimedia design works

Some of the kinds of multimedia design works are listed below. Also multimedia has various disadvantages and advantages to learn more about it.

  1. Graphic communication
  2. Social Media
  3. Video work
  4. Novel interface devices
  5. Augmented reality
  6. Wearable computing meets fashion
  7. Locative media
  8. Generative art
  9. Exploring distribution
  10. Sampling the environment
  11. Commercial practices