Some of the points on various purpose of Homework are given below. So let us find out importance of homework in order to know more about homework.
We have seen that teachers assign lots of assignments which consists of problem solving writing, or reading that students have to complete after class generally at home.
We can see that the main purpose of homework is to recall subjects which was taught in class and sometimes objective of homework is to get extra information which was not taught in classroom.
One of the main reason of homework is to make the students learn what was taught in classroom to get extra information and answering various important questions.
Generally teacher tries to give information and explain the subject in class but students usually remember 50 percent of the information, so in this case homework plays a very important role to reinforce knowledge.
Usually homework is given in classroom but in order to get more knowledge and to go beyond what was explained in classroom homework is given at home. Well sometimes homework is given only to keep students busy. There are several advantages of homework along with disadvantages.
Sometimes during classroom various new topics are explained in class but when you later read about new topics at home you can understand what it really means.
Homework not only helps to get good grade in the class during exam but it also helps to gain lots of important information which is very useful for further studies.