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Features of Debentures

Check out Features of Debentures discussed below. So let us find out some information on features to know more about debentures.

Debenture Features :

The rates which is to be paid or payable on debentures is fixed.

Debenture may be convertible

No voting rights on debenture, holder does not have right to vote in a meeting.

Instrument of loan

Debentures can be redeemed after a fixed period of time.

Debenture holders can be considered as creditors of the company carrying a fixed rate of interest.

Advantages and disadvantages of Debentures

Check out Advantages and Disadvantages of Debentures discussed below. So let us find out some information  to know more about it. The debentures which are generally issued by the corporations, are promises to pay specific amount of principal or money at a specified time or date over the particular course of the loan tenure, during which time interest is paid at a fixed rate on decided dates.

Advantages of Debentures :

Debentures is used to provide long terms funds to the company when needed.

Full Form of DSLR

DSLR : Full form can be defined in different ways which are listed below, so check it out different full form of term DSLR.

The full form of DSLR is Digital Single Lens Reflex camera. They are also know as digita SLR. 

The reflex design used in this type of camera is the only difference between the digital camera and the DSLR. This type of DSLR are generally auto focus camera based on phase detection


List of articles related to DSLR are as follows. So let us check out information on DSLR to know more about it.

Hidden GPS tracker for car no monthly fee

Lots of brands are available which charges monthly fee for GPS tracker. The main reason for charging fee is because of GPS data which trasmit the information which costs money. 

Hidden GPS tracker for car with no monthly fee are also available which you can buy online. The specification or hidden charges if available varies from company to company. So its better to enquire in advance before buying it. 

Full Form of CNG and LPG

Let us check it out Full Form of CNG and LPG to know more about different source of energy. The abbreviation is given below.

  1. CNG :- Compressed Natural Gas
  2. LPG :- Liquefied Petroleum Gas 

CNG can be used as a fuel in place of gasoline (Petrol). LPG can be uses in motor vehicle, refrigeration, heating purpose, agriculture and for domestic purposes in cooking food.

Tips for Growing Watermelon

Growing watermelon can be a challenging endeavor. It’s not that there is anything out of the ordinary about planting watermelon, but it takes approximately ninety days to get to harvest time. Because of the length of time needed to grow a watermelon, there is ample opportunity for diseases and pests to find their way into the watermelon patch. It also means that watermelon can be exposed to many different weather conditions. Watermelon is beneficial to keep body healhty, there are several health benefits taken into consideration.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Boarding School

Some of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Boarding School are listed below. So let us check it out some information on advantages and disadvantages to know more about boarding school. Boarding school provides education to students who live on the premises which is exaclty opposite of day school. Sending child to a boarding school is a big decision, so find out some pros and cons listed below.


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