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Tips for Growing Watermelon

Growing watermelon can be a challenging endeavor. It’s not that there is anything out of the ordinary about planting watermelon, but it takes approximately ninety days to get to harvest time. Because of the length of time needed to grow a watermelon, there is ample opportunity for diseases and pests to find their way into the watermelon patch. It also means that watermelon can be exposed to many different weather conditions. Watermelon is beneficial to keep body healhty, there are several health benefits taken into consideration.

Watermelons originated in Africa and still need very warm temperatures to produce fruit. Day temperatures are best around eighty degrees and should never drop below seventy degrees. Nighttime temperatures must stay above fifty-five degrees. Growing watermelon requires moist but well-drained soil and exposure to full sun each day.

Depending on your location, watermelon may be started by seed in the garden or inside if you live in a cold climate. If you are starting your own seedlings inside, begin at least a month before they will need to go outside. Watermelon plants should not be transplanted outside in the garden for at least three weeks after the last frost in your area. Watermelon vines require a lot of room and should be planted in hills or mounds that are at least six feet apart. With seeds, you should plant five in each hill and then thin to two plants if all of the seeds germinate. If you start with transplants, place two seedlings in each hill.

Growing watermelon requires that the soil be moist but not wet throughout the season. A watermelon is 90% water, That means if rain is scarce, the watermelon plants will need to be watered. They should also be mulched with straw, grass clippings, shavings, shredded newspaper or plastic as this will help keep the moisture in the soil. One watermelon plant is apt to grow a vine that is between six and eight feet in length. Once yellow blossoms have formed on the vine, they will need to be pollinated by honey bees. This is true for every variety of watermelon, including the seedless ones.

A watermelon is ready to be harvested after the vine has died and is drying up. If you tap a ripe watermelon when it is ready, you should hear a dull, hollow, thumping sound. Sometimes large commercial watermelon producers simply look for a yellow spot to develop on the bottom of the watermelon. That is a little easier than hand tapping hundreds of watermelons. Although the size of a watermelon makes it look pretty hefty, the rind is not very strong. That means in this age of machine cultivation, every watermelon is picked by hand.

There are more than 200 different varieties of watermelon. But while the popular varieties number around fifty, there are fewer than a half dozen types that you will find in your local supermarket. These include Jubilee, Crimson Sweet, and Allsweet which are large picnic varieties; the Triploid Hybrid, which is seedless, an Ice Box type, Yellow Flesh seeded and non-seeded; and Red Flesh and Yellow Flesh mini-watermelon. The mini-watermelon grows to be anywhere from one to seven pounds while a picnic watermelon can grow to be as heavy as thirty pounds.

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How to Choose Watermelon Varieties

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Top Tips on How to Identify a Ripe Watermelon

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All About the Square Watermelon

Everyone loves to eat watermelon in the summer, but its round, oblong shape makes it hard to carry, hard to slice, and hard to store but now there’s a solution the square watermelon. Developed by a farmer in Japan almost twenty years ago, the square watermelon can now be purchased throughout Japan.

Still, most of the people in the world have never seen or eaten a square watermelon. In Japan, they are only purchased by the wealthy. 

Some of the Benefits Of Watermelon

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Watermelon Nutrition and Its Benefits

While dieticians have long known the value of watermelon nutrition, the public is just now finding out how healthy a watermelon really is. For instance, a cup of watermelon has vitamin A for healthy eyes, vitamin C to help strengthen your immune system, vitamin B6 which helps the brain to make chemicals for psychological health, and potassium, which every cell in the body needs for water balance.

The Truth about the Watermelon Diet

The watermelon diet is one of many which are considered fad diets. They become extremely popular for a time because people maintain that they lost weight, and everyone wants to lose weight. But, let’s face it, none of us want to eat only watermelon for the rest of our lives and if you stick to this diet for a long period of time, you will lose your health rather than gain it.

Watermelon Nutrition

Are you interested in watermelon nutrition facts? There is a lot of hearsay that surrounds watermelon, such as “watermelon can help you lose weight” or “watermelon can help prevent cancer.” The truth is that watermelon nutrition does have the possibility to stave off certain illnesses although the research conducted on that front is not solid. It definitely does make a good food choice for a hot summer’s day.

Is Watermelon Good For You?

Why is watermelon good for you? What are the health benefits in adding watermelon in your regular diet? What are the essential vitamins and minerals you can find in this fruit? These are the questions we aim to answer in this short article. But before answering, let us have an overview of existing trends that provide the background to questions like these.

Medicinal Uses of Amla Plants in Points

Check out Medicinal Uses of Amla plants in Points which are discussed below. So let us find out some points on Medicinal uses to know more about Amla Plants.

Medicinal Uses of Amla Plants are :

Amla Plants can be used to stimulate Appetite.

Amla plants can also be used for diarrhea, dysentry and hemorrhage.

Amla plants can be used as an antioxidants as it contains vitamin C and polyphenols

They are also good for heart , eyes and brain

Amla also improves immunity and gives physical strength