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What does LPG Stand for ?

Let us find out what is the full meaning of LPG and some more information on LPG to know more about it.

The Term LPG stands for Liquefied petroleum gas, LPG is used as a fuel  in different form such as in cooking, vehicles and in various types of heating appliances.

LPG is widely used in cars and other motor vehicles.

LPG is used as a domestic fuel, engine fuel and as refrigerant.


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Full Form of LPG

LPG : Full form can be defined in different ways which are listed below, so check it out different full form of term LPG.

The full form of LPG is Liquefied Petroleum Gas which can be used as a fuel in vehicles, heating appliances and cooking equipment.

LPG is a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases and is used in cooking, Rural heating, Motor fuel and in Refrigeration.


What are the uses of LPG ?

Some of the uses of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) are as follows. So let us check it out some information on LPG to know more about LPG.

  1. LPG can be used as a fuel in motor vehicles.
  2. LPG can also be used as refrigerant.
  3. LPG is also used in agriculture purposes if various drying processes.
  4. In industry lpg is widely used for heating purposes.
  5. It is also used for domestic purposes for cooking food.

You might also like full form of LPG

Full Form of CNG and LPG

Let us check it out Full Form of CNG and LPG to know more about different source of energy. The abbreviation is given below.

  1. CNG :- Compressed Natural Gas
  2. LPG :- Liquefied Petroleum Gas 

CNG can be used as a fuel in place of gasoline (Petrol). LPG can be uses in motor vehicle, refrigeration, heating purpose, agriculture and for domestic purposes in cooking food.

SEO - Search Engine Optimization

Short Definition of SEO is discussed here.SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization Let us find out brief explanation  and meaning of the given term.

SEO is a process or technique which helps to change the position of a website or a web page in the given search results by using relevant keywords and phrases.

On page optimization and Off page optimization are the two useful methods for search engine optimization.

Search engine optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  is a form of term which is used for optimizing an articles, or web pages on internet.

It is used to increase the visibility of a webpage or to rank higher on search engine results.

Search engine optimization in Google search engine uses 200 ranking factors and Page rank to rank results.


BMW Full Form/acronym - BMW is automobile, engine & motorcycles manufacturing company in germany.

Founded in 1916.

BMW stands for Bavarian motor works and also called as Bayerische motoren Werke. 

Types of Coal

Coal is a multifaceted resource which differs in composition even inside the same deposit. There are four different types or ranking based on various levels of coal with differences in energy output as a result of increased temperature,pressure & time

Lignite is a brownish-black coal with great moisture and ash content and the lowest heating value of the four types of coal. It is used for generating electricity.

For your information

For your information (FYI) is a form of term which is generally used on internet

It is also used while sending  emails, during chatting, and  instant message on phone.

This term is used when one person wants to give extra information to other person.

Full Form of SAP

SAP : Full Form is given below So Let us find out the full form of term SAP and other useful details to know more about SAP.

1. SAP stands For "Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing".

SAP is related to ERP Where ERP stands for "Enterprise Resource Planning". 

Steam engine


Steam engine is a heat engine in which a hot steam is used that converts the heat energy into mechanical energy. Sliding piston is present in the cylinder which moves by the expansion action of the steam which is generated in a boiler. Coal, wood or other combustible material are used as a source to produce steam in a boiler.

Advantages And Disadvantages of Friction

Some of the Advantages of Friction are:

  1. We can walk with the help of friction between our shoes and the ground.
  2. We can write with pencil or pen on the paper on the board using friction.
  3. Cars or other vehicles uses friction (Breaks)  to stop the vehicle.
  4. Friction helps in running and walking on the ground or the floor.

Some of the Disadvantages of Friction are:

  1. Sometimes friction produces heat in the machinery or its parts.
  2. Friction makes wear and tear of the machinery