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50 is 40 percent of what number ?

Finding 50 is 40 percent of what number 


  1. 40 percent means 40/100 = 0.4
  2. Now 40 percent of a number means 0.4 x.
  3. is in mathematical form means =
  4. Therefore 50 = 0.4x
  5. 50/0.4 = x
  6. 500/4 = x
  7. Therefore number is 125
  8. 50 is 40 % of 125

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How to find 10 percent of a number ?

Let us see how to find 10 percent of a number. Some information or method explaining how to calculate percent of number are as follows.

In order to find 10 percent of any number you need to divide number by 10. For example 10 percent of 100 = 100/10 =10

Example 2 : 10 percent of 200 = 200/10 which means 20

Example 3: 10 pecent of 333 = 333/10  and the answer is 33.3

This is very simple , you just need to divide the number by 10 .

How to find 20 percent of a number ?

Let us see how to find 20 percent of a number. Some information or method showing how to calculate 20 percent of a number are follows:

In order to calculate 20 percent of number you need to follow two simple steps.

Step 1: Divide number by 10 for example if number is 100 then you have to divide 100/10 so answer is 10

Step 2: Multiply answer with 2, so in this case we have answer 10 so 10x2= 20

So 20 percent of 100 is 20

Example 2: What is 20 percent of 22

Answer 22/10= 2.2 now you have to multiply 2.2 with 2 so 2.2x2=4.4 

How to find 40 percent of a number ?

Calculate and Find 40 percent of a number :

  1. Select any two or three digit number.
  2. Now multiply the number by 4.
  3. Third step is to shift the decimal point one place to the left side.

Example 1 

  1. Let us select two digit number, it is 32.
  2. Now multiply number 32 by 4, so 32x4=128
  3. Now shift the decimal point one place to the left so 12.8
  4. Hence 40 % of 32 is 12.8

Top Tips on How to Identify a Ripe Watermelon

It is sometimes not an easy task to figure out if you have a ripe watermelon or not. This is especially true if you have dozens of watermelon plants in your garden. The most accurate way is one that is usually only used by commercial producers, and that involves using a hand refractometer to measure the sweetness of the watermelon. The middle of a ripe watermelon should have a sugar level of around ten percent.

What is the Purpose of Homework ?

Some of the points on various purpose of Homework are given below. So let us find out importance of homework in order to know more about homework.

We have seen that teachers assign lots of assignments which consists of problem solving writing, or reading that students have to complete after class generally at home.

We can see that the main purpose of homework is to recall subjects which was taught in class and sometimes objective of homework is to get extra information which was not taught in classroom. 

Definition of polymers

Definition - Polymers are large molecules which are made of repeating units of molecules which are called as monomers.

There are lots of applications of polymers in day to day life.

The term polymer is derived from the greek work , In Greek terminology poly means many and meros means parts.

To form polymers, the monomers are connected to each other with the help of covalent bonds and this process is called polymerization.

Polymers is made up of either same type of monomer or different types of monomers.


What is the Full Form of STD?

STD - Subscriber Trunk Dialing.

 Other full form of this term is Sexually Transmitted Disease which may be caused in the human being by many reasons.

such AIDS/HIV, Gonorrhea and by other means. 


Process Validation Stages process qualification protocol

During Process Validation the protocol of process qualification is also prepared, following are some of the points which are included into protocol of process qualification, so let us check it out some points:

The manufacturing condition including processing limits, the operating parameters as well as the components used such as raw materials are included in protocol.

The sampling plan with complete details of the number of sampling points, frequency of sampling of each unit are to be mentioned in protocol.

Full Form of HRC in Hardness

HRC : Full Form in Hardness , its meaning and information in given below, so let us check out some details on full form of the given term HRC which is used in hardness.

The full form of HRC in hardness is sometimes refers as RC, It is an abbreviation of rockwell hardness which is measured on the C scale, The rockwell scale is a hardness scale which is based on indentation hardness of a material.