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Full Form of BPO - Also KPO

BPO - (Business process outsourcing).

Other full form in BPO are also searched world wide, so let us find other meaning of the given terms.

So check it out other similar terms on this site.

While KPO stands for knowledge process out sourcing


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Full Form of EMI

EMI - (Equated monthly installment).

Other full form in EMI are also searched world wide.

so let us find other meaning of the given terms.

So check it out other similar terms on this site. 

Process Validation stages continued process verification

Third stages in Process Validation is Continued Process Verification, Some points in process validation during continued process verification are as follows, So let us see one by one all the points:

The main goal of continued process verification in process validation is to ensure that the process remains in a state of control during manufacturing of commercial products.

The data is collected and evaluated in order to determine process variability.

Process Validation Stages process design

In Process Validation the first stage out of three stages is Process Design. Following are some of the points which are taken into consideration during process design. So let us check it out one by one:

To design process follow good manufacturing practices.

Uses scientific principles as well as scientific methods.

Conduct the internal review , the document decisions and the justification of the controls.

Find out critical quality attributes during process design.

Critical material attributes are defined.

Process Validation Stages process qualification

During Process validation: The second stage is process qualification Some of the points which are discussed during process qualification are as follows , so let us check it out points one by one.:

The main aim of process qualification is to determine whether the process which is designed is capable of reproducible commercial manufacture or not.

Design of the utility and the qualification of the equipment are taken into account during process qualification.

Process performance qualification in this stage.

Process Validation stages continued process verification one

About Process Validation, the third stage is continued process verification, Some more information about process validation in continued process verification are as follows:

The variation in the continued process verification can be detected by assessment of various documents.

By complaints of any defects.

By checking out of specification records or process parameters.

Checking deviation reports.

By observing variation in the process yield.

By checking batch records.

Checking records of incoming materials.

Full Form of RAC

RAC - Reservation Against Cancellation

Other full form of RAC are Royal Automobile Club, Rent a Car and Religious Action Center.

so let us find out other meaning of the given terms.

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Full Form of NA

NA - Not Applicable

Other full form of NA are Nucleic Acid, North America,National Association and Sodium.

so let us find out other meaning of the given terms.

Check it out other similar terms on this site. 

Process Validation Stages process design two

In Process validation the first stage that is Process design stage have some points which are taken into account. Some of them which are taken into consideration are as follows:

Process control should address variability such as:

During the process design the control to reduce the input variation and the control to adjust for input variation are taken into account during manufacturing.

Controls may also consist of about the equipment monitoring at significant processing point and also control on material analysis.