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Full Form of NAV

NAV - Norton Antivirus

Other full form of NAV is Net Asset Value, Navigation and Network Allocation Vector.

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Full Form of EMI

EMI - (Equated monthly installment).

Other full form in EMI are also searched world wide.

so let us find other meaning of the given terms.

So check it out other similar terms on this site. 

Full Form of RAC

RAC - Reservation Against Cancellation

Other full form of RAC are Royal Automobile Club, Rent a Car and Religious Action Center.

so let us find out other meaning of the given terms.

Check it out other similar terms on this site. 

Full Form of NA

NA - Not Applicable

Other full form of NA are Nucleic Acid, North America,National Association and Sodium.

so let us find out other meaning of the given terms.

Check it out other similar terms on this site. 

Full Form of RCT

RCT - Root Canal Treatment

Other full form of RCT are Randomized Clinical Trials, Reverse Conducting Thyristor and Royal Corps of Transport.

so let us find out other meaning of the given terms.

Check it out other similar terms on this site. 

Full Form of PAN in Computer

PAN : Full form in Computer , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term PAN which is used in Computer.

The full form of PAN in computer is Personal Area Network. It provides data transmission among different types of devices such as mobile phones, smart phones, computers, laptops, tablets and other personal digtal assistants.

PAN is a computer network for interconnecting these devices centered on an individual person's workplace. Some of the other useful terms are listed below.


SOP to WL terms

The List of Abbreviations used in Pharmaceutical Industry

Check out more information of related terms

The last chapter of the list of abbreviations used in pharmaceutical industry is chapter number ten. Other important meaning and terms are given here. so check out all the terms one by one.

Full Form of NPC Chromatography

Normal Phase Chromatography (NPC) is an analytical method used to separate substance from a given mixture. (Other full form of NPC and related terms are also available) So check it out similar articles related to the given term.

Meaning and full form of other types of chromatography in chemistry are also available.

Full Form of TLC Chromatography

Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) is an analytical method used to separate substance from a given mixture. (Other full form of TLC and related terms are also available) So check it out similar articles related to the given term.

Meaning and full form of other types of chromatography in chemistry are also available.