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Full Form of SPM in Biology

SPM : Full form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term SPM which is used in Biology.

The full form of SPM in biology is Suspended Particulate Matter. The term SPM  can be used with respect to pollution. Generally air pollution consists of pollutants, odours and suspended particulate matter (Dust , Fumes, smoke, mist etc.,)

SPM are finely divided microscopic liquid or solid matter that may be dispersed through the air from industrial activities, combustion processes and natural sources.

Suspended particulate matter affect the atmosphere and environment, they are also know as particulate matter.

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Full Form of PAN in Biology

PANFull form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term PAN which is used in Biology.

The full form of PAN in biology is PAN Genome or Supra Genome. The term PAN can be considered as a  full complement of genes in a clade and it is  typically applied to the different species in bacteria.

PAN can have large variation in gene content among closely related strains.

Full Form of ATP in Biology

ATP : Full form in Biology , The  definition and meaning of ATP iss given below, so check it out some points on full form of the term ATP which is used in Biology.

The full form of ATP in biology is Adenosine Tripohosphate (ATP). It is a comples organic chemical which is found in almost all form of life. It is also known as "Molecular unit of currency". ATP is also a precursor to RNA and DNA.

ATP consists of an adenine and it converts to either monophosphates or di phosphates.

Full Form of AMP in Biology

AMP : Full form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term AMP which is used in Biology.

The full form of AMP in biology is Adenosine Monophosphate . The terms AMP is a type of nucleotide comprised of a nucleoside.

Full Form of GTP in Biology

GTP : Full form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term GTP which is used in Biology.

The full form of GTP in biology is Guanosine triphosphate. The term GTP is a purine nucleoside tirphosphate. It is one of the building blocks which is needed for the synthesis of RNA during the transcription process.

GTP has three phosphates and a ribose sugar, It acts as a source of energy for protein synthesis.


Full Form of RNA in Biology

RNA : Full form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term RNA which is used in Biology.

The full form of RNA in biology is Ribonucleic acid. The term RNA is a polymeric molecule which is required in various biological roles in decoding, coding, expression and regulation of genes. 

RNA and DNA are nucleic acid, and, along with carbohydrates, lipids and proteins , they constitute four major macromolecules for all forms of energy.

Full Form of PGA in Biology

PGAFull form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term PGA which is used in Biology.

The full form of PGA in biology is Phosphoglyceric acid or 3-phosphoglycerate . The term PGA  is and intermediate in the calvin cycle of photosynthesis and also in the glycolysis process.

The anion is often termed as PGA when refering to the calvin cycle.

Other full form related to PGA are also available so check it out similar articles. 

Full Form of GAP in Biology

GAP : Full form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term GAP which is used in Biology.

The full form of GAP in biology is GTPase-activating proteins. It is also know as GTPase-accelerating proteins (GAPs). 

GAPs are also known as RGS protein and this are very useful and plays an important role in controlling the activity of G protiens. 

G proteins are very much useful and actively involved in a variety of cellular processes.

Full Form of MTP in Biology

MTPFull form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term MTP which is used in Biology.

The full form of MTP in biology is Medical Termination of PregnancyThe term MTP can be considered as an induced abortion.

MTP is one of the medical way of getting rid of unwanted pregnancy before the foetus. 

Full Form of ADP in Biology

ADPFull form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term ADP which is used in Biology.

The full form of ADP in biology is Adenosine Diphosphate. The term ADP is also knows as adenosine pyrophosphate (APP), It is one of the very important organic compound in metabolism, ADP plays an important role in providing cellular energy.

ADP removes phosphate from the ATP and release energy, which is required when the cell needs to perform work.

Full Form of DDT in Biology

DDTFull form in Biology can be defined in many ways are discussed below, so check it out different full form of the term BCG which is used in Biology.

The full form of DDT in biology is Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless chemical compound generally used in agriculture as an insecticide or pesticides.

DDT is used to kill mosquitos and very effective chemical compound  for prevention of malaria,

Full Form of NADP in Biology

NADP : Full form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term NADP which is used in Biology.

The full form of NADP in biology is Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate . The term NADP provide energy to the many reactions in the cell NADP  is the used form of NADPH and must be reduced with more hydrogen and electrons. It is typicall done during sugar digestion in animals or during photosynthesis in plants.

Full Form of NADPH in Biology

NADPH : Full form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term NADPH which is used in Biology.

The full form of NADPH in biology is Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate . The term NADPH is a cofactor used in anabolic reactions, used to donate hydrogens and electrons to reactions catalyzed by some enzymes. 

NADPH mostly involved in reductive metabolism, it acts as a reducing agent in anabolic reactions.It is used by all forms of cellular life.

Full Form of BCG in Biology

BCGFull form in Biology can be defined in different ways are given below, so check it out different full form of the term BCG used in Biology.

The full form of BCG in biology is Bacille calmette Guerin. It is a vaccine which is used against tuberculosis (TB).

BCG also has some positive effects against buruli ulcer infection and some of the non tuberculosus mycobecteria infection.


Full form of WWF in Biology

WWF : Full form in Biology , its meaning and information is given below, so check it out some details on full form of the term WWF which is used in Biology.

The full form of WWF in biology is WWF World Wide Fund.  It can be considered as one of the largest conservation all over the world.

WWF can also be considered as world wide fund for the nature.

Full Form of PPLO in Biology

PPLOFull form in Biology can be defined in different ways which are listed below, so check it out different full form of term PPLO in Biology.

The full form of PPLO in biology is Pleuro pneumonia Like organisms also knows as mycoplasmataceae. In can be used to describe microplasmas. 

Microplasma is a genus of bacteria which lacks the cell wall aroud the cell membrane.