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Tablet coating: "Orange Peel Defect"

During tablet coating Orange peel defect is observed due to inadequate spraying or spreading of the coating solution.

Before the drying this coating solution causes bumpy or orange peel effect on the coating.

It is caused due to high spray rate and high pressure.

This defect can be prevented by thinning of the polymer solution and adding additional solvents.

Tablet Coating: color variation Defects

During Tablet coating , color variation defect is observed sometimes.

 This defect is caused by improper mixing on the tablets, or by insufficient coating and also caused by uneven spray pattern on tablets.

 After coating the migration of soluble dyes or any additives during drying may give tablet a spotted and mottled apperation.

Due to this defect color variation is observed.

What are "Tablet Coating - Defects"?

List of  some tablet coating defects which may affect the tablet formulation and bioavailability of drug are as follows.

(1) Picking and Sticking,

(2) Color variation,

(3) Orange peel effect,

(4) Twinning,

(5) Capping and lamination,

(6) Mottled color,

(7) Roughness,

(8) Hazing or Dull film

(9) Bridging,

(10) Erosion,

(11) Filling,

(12) Chipping,

(13) Blistering,

(14) Cracking,

(15)  Peeling and frosting.