Computer is an electronic device which is used in various fields in our daily life. Computer consist of Central Processing Unit (CPU), Input Device, Output Device , Auxiliary memory and main memory. Motherboard is one of the most important part of the computer.
Uses of Computers
- Computer in Schools.and Colleges for better and effective education of students.
- Computer is an effective tool for quick communication between teachers, students and parents.
- Computer system to monitor or measure,pulse rate, body temperature and can alert medical staff about any serious condition of patient.
- Computer in Banking sector.
- Computer to measure climatic changes.
- Computer to record stastics, chat online, take notes while working and attending a sports event.
- Computer helps students to improve the quality of their academic research and written work using internet online.
- Computer is a medium to use Internet which is one of the popular marketing tool now a days.
- Computer is useful for distance learning programs.
- Computer in supermarket for shopping clothes,electronics and various products using internet.
- Computer allows friends to interact with each other over social media websites such as facebook, twitter, Google plus using internet.
- Computer to playand enjoy online games.
- Computer aided learning is a kind of process which uses information technology to enhance the teaching and learning process.
- Computer to listen music.
- Computer to watch photos and videos.
- Computer to send and receive instant and quick messages by email using internet.
- Computer for looking up information by storing information on computer..
- Computer for writing assignments.
- Computer in business, many stock exchanges uses computer to conduct bids for business.
- Computer for E-commerce
- Computer is used for defence.
- Computer for tourism.
- Computer in engineering and robotics
- Computer in at home for Entertainment by watching movies and playing games.
- Computer for communication by using social networking websites with the help of internet connection.
- Computer in space programs.
- Computer in service sector.
- Computer helps to locate restaurants and other locations.
- Computer helps to find a doctor or a pharmacy on internet.
- Computer helps to book air-tickets and railway-tickets.
- Computer helps to conduct online examination and to get instant results.
- Computer helps to prepare better presentation of information.
- Computer for documentation using computer softwares.
- Computer can also be used for computing with a speed of million calculations per second.
- Computer for education and training.